Every Wednesday is #Yes2SAFE Day.
We are asking all of our fellow horse advocates to call, e-mail or tweet their representatives EVERY WEDNESDAY to support the Safeguard American Food Safety (SAFE) Act. Please take 2-3 minutes to call your representative every Wednesday through November 30th to let them know that we are united in ending horse slaughter in the United States. Please use the following hashtag when tweeting about the SAFE Act: #YES2SAFE
To find your representative’s phone number and e-mail:
Here are some points to make with your representative:
“Our goal is get the Safeguard American Food Exports (SAFE) Act passed in the United States! There are so many reasons that this act needs to be passed, not only because horse slaughter is terribly horrific, but also for food safety in the United States.
“Twice so far this year, horse meat was sold as ground beef in the United States, which is terribly detrimental to human health. Horses are treated with medicines that are toxic and carcinogenic to humans and horse meat is not safe for human consumption.
“It’s important that, as our representative, you consider passage of the SAFE Act as VERY important. The SAFE Act would prevent the sale or transport of horses to slaughter and would prevent horses from being slaughtered in the U.S. as well.
“The SAFE Act is the FIRST STEP in making sure our horses are safe from slaughter. We need a united front on this act in order to help our horses. This piece of legislation will help pave the way for future laws that will continue to secure our horses’ lives, as well ensure our safe food supply.”
Please join Hanaeleh, the Humane Society of the United States, the ASPCA, and countless other organizations in helping to prevent horse slaughter. Please tell your representative to pass the SAFE Act.