Sapphire is back at Hanaeleh.
Yes, you read that correctly. Last week we drove down to San Diego and picked up Sapphire. Tamahome had to go along for the ride, as Sapphire refuses to load into an empty trailer (she’ll get into any trailer as long as another horse is in there, however). She spent the trailer ride back home making nicker-noises to Tamahome the entire way.
Sapphire was adopted out last June to a very loving family down in San Diego. Unfortunately, Sapphire just was not the right horse for the family and they decided to make the very difficult decision to give Sapphire back to us. Hanaeleh has a first right-of-refusal on all of our horses and we understand that sometimes things don’t work out, even when everyone tries to do everything they can. At that point, we will always take the horse back.
Sapphire seems happiest at Hanaeleh so we will not be putting her back up for adoption. Instead, we will permanently sanctuary her at Hanaeleh.
Sapphire walked into the paddock and within a minute she and Tamahome were acting like an old, married couple. Make that an old, bickering married couple.
It seems just right to have her back again.