We took Delilah up to her new home on Saturday, 11/1/14. She is living the good life in Malibu! She got into the trailer with little fuss, and was a good girl during the trip. The only real hangup was when we went to turn onto the one-lane road leading up to the barn, and a very large semi truck and trailer was half-stuck there. He finally backed up his truck, then proceeded to park right next to us, blocking us in! We were going to back up, but another car had decided to park right behind us for some reason. Mind you, this was randomly on the side of the road. After a few minutes, we finally got the owner of the car behind us to move, and we were back on the road.
This was the same road where the truck caught fire when we delivered Niko a few years back. Thankfully, the few minutes we spent on the side of the road were the only drama that unfolded this trip. Delilah was very eager to get out of the trailer (she had been in there for two hours, and did very well, but she was pretty much over the entire experience). We walked around the stable looking for Michaela (there is no cell service in that area so we couldn’t call her to let her know we were there), and one of her friends finally directed us to her. When Michaela saw Delilah walking towards her, she started crying, she was so overcome! How sweet is that? We turned Delilah out (she was quite happy to roll), and then walked her to her new stall.
Michaela had found a stall that backed up to a hill, similar to what Delilah had at Hanaeleh…now that is thinking of every detail! Delilah even has a neighbor named Gypsy! Delilah’s favorite part of the entire day, however, was most likely when she discovered the flake of alfalfa in the stall waiting for her. Gypsy was quite jealous of that fact, and when we left, was doing her best to dig under the stall to get to Delilah’s food.
All-in-all, Delilah settled in remarkably well (the food helped). Michaela has been updating me with Delilah’s progress, and they seem to be doing very well together! We are so happy that Delilah found such a special person and we know that Michaela has found a truly lovely horse.
Congrats to both Delilah and Michaela!

Delilah in the trailer.