SAFE! Both of these horses have found a new home together! Thank you to everyone who networked them!
We received a call from a woman who has two Arabians who need homes. She is no longer able to ride due to age/health issues and is planning on moving out of state and cannot take them with her. (photos below)
Fancy- 15-16 y/o Mare
Fancy is an Arabian mare. She has not been ridden consistently for the past three years, but a trainer did ride her about six months ago. She was the family horse and was ridden by the owner and her children. She is a bit underweight, and the owner has started adding pellets to help with that.
Missile- 9-10 y/o Gelding
Missile is an Arabian cross and is Fancy’s son. Missile was never ridden by the family, but Diane Dodd, a trainer from Moreno Valley, did get on him and rode him about six months ago. Missile is very sweet and enjoys being close to people.
If you can adopt either Fancy and/or Missile (or both!) or need more information, please fill out our horse inquiry form, and we will direct all inquiries to the owner. Thank you!
- Missile (left) and Fancy (right)
- Missile (in the back) and Fancy (in the front). Fancy has the large blaze on her face.
- Missile being ridden by a trainer last year.