We are sad to report the death of Clara, one of the chickens at Hanaeleh. October has been a difficult month here at Hanaeleh, and while the death of Clara may not seem to be that important to some people, she was a part of our family here at the ranch for a number of years.
We’re not exactly sure how Clara died- she looked fine the day before, and was running around with her friend, Ursula. When we came out on Saturday to let both chickens out to run around, however, she stayed in the coop with her head down. I picked her up and held her, but she had difficulty holding her head up and it looked like she maybe had had a stroke. I put her back into her coop, with the thought that I would take her to the vet after our chores, but when I checked back in on her, she had already passed.
We buried Clara on the property, near our other chicken friends who have passed over the years.
We will miss Clara- she was a good chicken who came when we called her and was a good friend to Ursula. Again, we know that she is a chicken, but she was our pet, and we loved her very much.
- Clara displaying how to give a chicken a salad.
- Clara (left) and her BFF Ursula.
- Ursula (left) and Clara getting some sun.