Hanaeleh takes in surrendered/abandoned horses of all breeds and ages, but our facility is limited. If we are unable to accommodate the horse, we will help to network the horse by sending the information to trainers, rescues, and other individuals who may be able to help. In this situation, Hanaeleh does not take the horses, but allows the current and the new owner to work to get the horse to a safe facility.
If you have a horse who is in need of help, please provide as much of the following information as possible. The more honest you are, the better the chance we have of finding the right home for your horse.
- Breed
- Age
- Color
- Heath (if the horse is in good health, or if the horse needs veterinary care, including weight, dental care, supplements, if the horse has lameness issues, etc.)
- Hoof care (barefoot/shoes/if the horse needs hoof care)
- Training (Discipline, level of rider needed for the horse)
- Temperament- From 1 (bombproof) to 10 (very high spirited)
- Time period (Immediate: is the horse in danger of being euthanized/sent to auction/starving? Moderate: More time can be spent to ensure that the best home can be found)
- Any other information you think is important
- Pictures- current pictures of the horse (not just head shots- full body pictures are best)
Please send the information to: elizabeth@hanaeleh.org or call: 949-842-7408