7-year-old Thoroughbred mare
Rescued March 2, 2012
Delilah is an 8 year-old Thoroughbred mare. She came to us because her owner abandoned her at a nearby boarding facility. Delilah had some weight and pain issues due to neglect, but she is gaining weight and is feeling a lot better!
Delilah is currently being ridden in the arena, but she has done well in the sensory clinics and really wants to please. She is currently being ridden English (you DO need to post with her trot!) and she needs an intermediate or experienced rider who is able to give her a lot of positive reinforcement. Delilah really tries to be good, and the more we work with her, the better she is. She would do well if she had someone who has the ability to work with her everyday.
Delilah is currently barefoot and is up-to-date on all of her vaccinations.
If you are interested in adopting Delilah, please fill out our adoption form.
- Sandrine and Delilah show off their umbrella skills
- Quixote learns the tarp is less scary when food is involved.
- Delilah working under saddle
- Delilah trotting!
- Delilah under saddle.
- Delilah on the longe line
- Courtesy of Emily, Deliah is all decked out in pink!
If we can find a way to get her safely to Austin, Texas, I know of a great forever home with a great Tennessee Walker who desperately needs a pasture mate. I’m just putting this out into the universe,
Thanks for replying Pamela! Let us know if you need anymore info 🙂