Rescued January 28, 2007
Adopted July 11, 2007
Passed January 23, 2008
Chief was a triple-registered, absolutely gorgeous Tennessee Walker who had lost one eye due to a tumor. Chief was adopted and greatly loved by Lori B., who worked with Chief for hours, getting him over his fear of pretty much everything. The fact that he had an eye missing did not help, but Lori did not care, she loved him so much. Chief colicced during the October, 2007 fires and, while he had surgery to try to remove the strangulation lymphomas in his intestines, he developed complications and Lori finally had to make the difficult decision to help him pass.
I have a black and white TWH, born the same year, that only has one eye. This story really moved me. Chief was so lucky to have Lori B. Horses don’t know why people do what they do. You guys are doing really great things for the horses lucky enough to find their way to you.