Last year at this time we were called about an emaciated Thoroughbred who was running around Watts in L.A. in the middle of a torrential rainstorm. People were throwing things at him to scare him, and cars were dodging him running in the street. Finally, a kind person corralled him in their yard and called the police. It was raining so hard and the horse was so cold that the person put a trash bag over him to try to protect him from the storm. Two officers responded, and spent the majority of … [Read more...]
Lou Dillon Gets His Teeth Floated
This past week we had the vet out to float Lou Dillon's teeth. Unlike human teeth, horses' teeth continue to grow throughout their lifetime. In the wild, horses are constantly eating, and that wears them down evenly. Unfortunately, in captive situations, such as keeping horses in stalls or dry paddocks, even though the horses get enough food to keep their weight up (or even get fat!), they don't eat long enough to adequately wear their teeth. Their teeth will get wavy, or their teeth can get … [Read more...]
The Rescue of Lou Dillon and Sweet Pea- Part Three
NOTE: We have broken this story into three parts because it is pretty long. This is Part Three of Three. If you haven't read the first part of this story, please be sure to read Lou Dillon Rescue- Part One and Lou Dillon Rescue- Part Two first! The Rescue of Lou Dillon and Sweet Pea - Part Three We pulled up to Hanaeleh right around 4pm with Lou Dillon and his friend Sweet Pea chillin' in the trailer. The driveway was too muddy to drive up, so we had to park on the street and walk the horses … [Read more...]
The Rescue of Lou Dillon and Sweet Pea- Part Two
Lou Dillon Rescue- Part Two We have broken this story into three parts because it is pretty long. This is Part Two of Three If you haven't read the first part of this story, please be sure to read Lou Dillon Rescue- Part One first! The day dawned sunny and warm when we were scheduled to pick up Lou Dillon. We were considering waiting until the weekend to pick him up, but it was supposed to rain very hard, and after our previous communication issues with the shelter, we thought it best … [Read more...]