L.A. Fires Our hearts have been heavy in watching the destruction of the fires in L.A. and seeing the loss of both property and of life. We know firsthand that evacuations are incredibly frightening and stressful, and the aftermath of an evacuation can be as stressful as the evacuation itself. So many people and animals are displaced and their world has been turned upside down. We have fielded several phone calls from people who were looking for placement for their horses. By now most people … [Read more...]
Andromeda’s NEW, New Shoes
We shared with you a few months ago the story of Andromeda's new wooden shoes. She needed these shoes because she had foundered before she came to Hanaeleh, which was likely one of the reasons she ended up with a killer buyer. Thankfully we were able to rescue Andromeda and she was doing well just with boots, but she had another founder event that was so severe that she required a special wooden shoe in order to recover. The wooden shoes were made for her by Greg Perez, a local farrier … [Read more...]
Ollie’s Sinus Infection
A few weeks ago we noticed that Ollie had quite a bit of snot coming out of his nose- it was reminiscent of childhood snotty noses and pretty disgusting, to be honest. We wiped the area clean and contacted the vet, who said to put him on some antihistamines for a few days as several horses seemed to have come down with a similar issue due to the winds and seasonal allergies. Since Ollie's appetite was the same (voracious) and he did not appear lethargic, we were not overly concerned (just a … [Read more...]
Venus’ New Shoes
Last month we noticed that Venus was beginning to look a little tender-footed. We noticed an indication of an old abscess that had burst and some bruising on her feet. We assumed this was due to walking on the new gravel driveway, so we made sure not to let her walk on it. We also put some boots on her feet and gave her some medicine to help her feel more comfortable. After a few weeks with no improvement (when theoretically the bruising would have subsided a bit)m we asked our farrier, … [Read more...]