Siegfried and Joy

Hanaeleh strives to focus on putting positive energy out into the world; we concentrate on the good we are doing and what we can do to improve the lives of the horses we save. When we see other groups also putting out positive energy and vibes into the universe, we love supporting their … [Read More...]

Winds and Fires in Los Angeles

L.A. Fires Our hearts have been heavy in watching the destruction of the fires in L.A. and seeing the loss of both property and of life. We know firsthand that evacuations are incredibly frightening and stressful, and the aftermath of an evacuation can be as stressful as the evacuation itself. So … [Read More...]

Andromeda’s NEW, New Shoes

We shared with you a few months ago the story of Andromeda's new wooden shoes. She needed these shoes because she had foundered before she came to Hanaeleh, which was likely one of the reasons she ended up with a killer buyer. Thankfully we were able to rescue Andromeda and she was doing well … [Read More...]