Born April 22, 1981 Rescued November 27, 1999 Passed June 22, 2009 Guiniviere was a registered Polish Arabian who was a broodmare until her owner passed. She was given to a girl who then gave her to Elizabeth, who named her Gueniviere because of her very authoritative attitude. Gwen was quite crazy at first and broke numerous halters and lead ropes when she refused to be tied. Quite a bit of patience along with a lot of aggravation (and almost-broken noses when she decided to toss her … [Read more...]
Born February 10, 1991 Rescued August 1, 2010 Adopted March 22, 2011 Charley’s owners contacted Hanaeleh, telling us that they would have to put him down because they did not feel that he would survive another winter with them. When Hanaeleh picked him up, we was very emaciated and had bites and cuts all over his body from being beat up by the other horses in the paddock. Charley cribbed, and so the owners had put a muzzle on him to prevent him from cribbing, but that also kept him … [Read more...]
Rescued April 29, 2007 Adopted December 2, 2007 Adopted September 19, 2010 Napoleon was donated to Hanaeleh when his owner became too elderly to care for him. He was very fat when we got him– so fat he had to have shoes on and was laid up for 6 weeks because the vet was afraid he would founder! Napoleon found a wonderful home with a family who thought that Napoleon was just the greatest horse that ever lived! Unfortunately, after three years with that family, they found it difficult … [Read more...]
Rescued December 7, 2008 Retired March 9, 2011 Ella is a very sweet Thoroughbred who was rescued by Bethany’s Gait when she was abandoned at a stable. They worked diligently with her, spending thousands of dollars on her vet care, until it became apparent that she was not able to work in their program. Hanaeleh took Ella and she was doing well until she pulled her stifle, and could no longer be exercised. She began to weave excessively and the vet told us that we either needed to find … [Read more...]