Introducing Our Newest Herd Member: Flame!

We added a new horse to our Hanaeleh herd this week: Welcome Flame! Flame is an 18 year-old registered Paint horse. Flame has been on our waiting list for several months, and we were finally able to accommodate him at the ranch. Flame's owner had owned him since he was a baby, but unfortunately … [Read More...]

Ladybug’s Colic Adventure

While the warm winter days might be a dream for those who enjoy the beach in February, the extreme changes in temperature (80 degrees during the day/40 degrees at night) can be detrimental to horses, as these changes can lead to colic. While we do our best to ensure the horses drink enough water and … [Read More...]

Abe the Mini-Mule’s Happy Update

We know everyone is interested in how Abe the mini-Mule is doing. He is fitting in very well at his foster home! He is staying at our former board member's house right now, where his best little girlfriend (who was rescued with him) lives.  We went over to see him while the farrier was out to … [Read More...]