This past week our president, Elizabeth, was on the Calling All Creatures Podcast. Elizabeth talked about starting Hanaeleh, and a little bit about the horses at Hanaeleh. She also spoke quite extensively about the issues that face horses who are put at auction, and the potential fate that awaits any of horses who are sold at one. She touched a bit about soring, and the legislation that is currently in Congress that could stop it completely. Finally, Elizabeth went into a history of the Wild Horse and Burro Act of 1971, the BLM roundups, ideas of how to better manage the wild horse herds that currently roam free, and why these horses are constantly in danger from the very organization that is supposed to protect them.
If you are interested in listening to the podcast, you can listen in multiple ways by clicking on the links below, or by looking up the podcast Calling All Creatures and the title: The Gritty Little Horses of the West.