You may remember Austin, a Quarter horse we took in in 2017. His owner had abandoned him at a neighboring facility because Austin was blind in one eye. Austin was underweight, had no muscle tone, he had been standing in muck and his hooves were diseased, and he had scars from fungus on his legs that had not been addressed. He was angry at the world and would threaten to bite anyone who came near him, especially when food was involved.
We worked with Austin to get his physical self healed, but he was still an angry boy who would threaten to bite, and a lot of the volunteers were afraid of him. We were very fortunate to have Taylor call us, looking for a horse to love. She spent several months at Hanaeleh, getting to know him, working with him, and, overall, loving him. She did not push him to do anything, but worked at establishing a relationship. She adopted him not sure if she would ever be able to ride him.
We have provided a few updates on Austin, but at our last fundraiser, Taylor rode him over to say hello! This was a completely different horse than the one we knew- first of all, she was ponying ANOTHER horse off of him, and he was calm and confident. She has even taken him into a few local horse shows! Taylor said he is doing great, and it’s obvious from his current mellow personality and his beautiful coat that he is well loved, inside and out! Austin found the owner who he was looking for- someone who would accept him and love him, and allow him to heal from the past neglect and abuse he had suffered.
We often wonder if it wouldn’t be better to move to a sanctuary-type of rescue, one in which we do not adopt out horses, but keep them for the remainder of their lives. Beautiful stories like Taylor and Austin’s remind us that there are so many wonderful people who are out there who are just waiting to offer love and kindness to a horse- sometimes we just have to wait a while until we find them!
We will continue to provide updates for Austin, but we wanted to let everyone know that he is safe, happy, and overall (and most importantly), very much loved.
- Taylor riding Austin and leading Wayland
- Taylor and Austin
- True love!
- Elizabeth hopped up on Austin for a minute, too!
- Nikki and Katie photobomb Taylor and Austin’s photo op
- Austin is calm and knows he’s loved now.