Hanaeleh is participating in the 1st annual OC Race for the Rescues, which will take place in the Great Park in Irvine on Sunday, November 10th. We hope that you have signed up or are helping to sponsor one of our runners!
Now we are looking for volunteers to help us out during the race!
We need volunteers to help with the race itself (giving out water, helping to check in, etc.) anytime from 6am-12pm (you don’t have to stay the entire time).
We also need some of our regular volunteers to come out and help out at the booth that day! We need people to help set up the booth, and then also to sit at the booth and help answer questions and sell t-shirts.
If you are able to help out, please e-mail: info@hanaeleh.org and let us know what times you are available.
Thank you so much for all of your help! We look forward to seeing you on Sunday, November 1oth!